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作者: 时间:2017-09-14 点击量:

张冬雷,华中科技大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学教授,博士生导师。国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者。2004年于北京师范大学获学士学位,2007年中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所获硕士学位,2013年于美国罗格斯新泽西州立大学(Rutgers University-New Brunswick)获博士学位,2013至2017年在美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)从事博士后研究。主要研究领域为膜性和非膜性亚细胞结构的功能及调控机制。以模式生物做为研究材料,探索非编码RNA和细胞细胞骨架蛋白在生殖系统及胚胎早期发育过程中的功能和作用机制。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Science、Journal of Cell Biology、eLife、Current Biology等国际主要期刊发表多篇学术论文。



Email: zhang_donglei@hust.edu.cn


1.Zhang, D.*, Tu, S.*, Stubna, M., Wu, W-S., Huang, W-C., Weng, Z., and Lee, H-C. (2018) The piRNA targeting rules and the resistance to piRNA silencing in endogenous genes. Science 359 (6375), 587-592 (*equal contribution)

2.Wei-Sheng Wu, Wei-Che Huang, Jordan S Brown,Donglei Zhang, Xiaoyan Song, Hao Chen, Shikui Tu, Zhiping Weng, Heng-Chi Lee (2018) pirScan: a webserver to predict piRNA targeting sites and to avoid transgene silencing in C. elegans.Nucleic acids research46(W1), W43-W48

3.Liu, X.*, Li, D.*,Zhang, D., Yin, D., Zhao, Y., Ji, C., Zhao, X., Li, X., He, Q., Chen, R., Hu, S., and Zhu, L. (2018) A novel antisense long noncoding RNA, TWISTED LEAF, maintains leaf blade flattening by regulating its associated sense R2R3-MYB gene in rice. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.15023 (* equal contribution)

4.Zhang, D., Dubey, J., Koushika, S.P., and Rongo, C. RAB-6.1 and RAB-6.2 promote retrograde transport in C. elegans. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149314. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149314

5.Zhang, D.* and Glotzer, M.* (2015) Cytokinesis: Placing the Furrow in Context. Current Biology 25, R1183-R1185 (* corresponding authors)

6.Zhang, D.and Glotzer, M. (2015) The RhoGAP activity of CYK-4/MgcRacGAP functions non-canonically by promoting RhoA activation during cytokinesis. eLife 4. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08898

7.Basant, A., Lekomtsev, S.*, Tse, Y.C.*,Zhang, D.*, Longhini, K., Petronczki, M., and Glotzer, M. (2015) Aurora B kinase promotes cytokinesis by inducing centralspindlin oligomers that associate with the plasma membrane. Developmental Cell 32, 204-215 (* equal contributions, listed alphabetically)

8.Zhang, D.and Glotzer, M. (2014) Efficient site-specific editing of the C. elegans genome. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/007344 (featured by Faculty of 1000,http://f1000.com/prime/718524877)

9.Zhang, D., Isack, N.R., Glodowski, D.R., Liu, J., Chen, C.C., Xu, X.Z.S., Grant, B.D., and Rongo, C. (2012) RAB-6.2 and the retromer regulate glutamate receptor recycling through a retrograde pathway. Journal of Cell Biology 196, 85-101

10.Wan, L., Li, D.,Zhang, D., Liu, X., Fu, W.J., Zhu, L., Deng, M., Sun, F., and Qian, M. (2008). Conservation and implications of eukaryote transcriptional regulatory regions across multiple species. BMC Genomics 9, 623-641




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