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作者: 时间:2017-09-21 点击量:

季维克 博士

国家优秀青年基金获得者 (2021)




2003 2007         南京林业大学  

2007 2010         中国科学院微生物所;

2010 2014         美国内布拉斯加医学中心; 博士

2014 2017         美国达特茅斯医学院; 博士后

2017         华中科技大学基础医学院; PI    



2010 2014         中国留学基金委博士奖学金

2015         美国细胞生物学会会员

2017         中国细胞生物学会会员

2021         中国生物物理学会会员

2019         中华医学会医学细胞生物学青年委员






长期从事膜性细胞器动态调控与细胞器互作的研究,研究结果得到领域内的认可:发表Journal of Cell Biology 1篇(2017, 第一作者) , eLife 1篇(2015, 第一作者),  PNAS 1篇(2014, 第一作者);回国开展独立研究工作之后,继续在细胞器互作领域展开深入研究,相关研究发表在 Nature Communications2021, 唯一通讯作者), Journal of Cell Science 2021, 唯一通讯作者) 和 Molecular Biology of the Cell2021, 唯一通讯作者)。


国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目  (32122025)                        2022 2024

国家自然科学基金重大研究计划 (91854109;培育项目)     2019 2021

国家自然科学青年基金项目   (31701170)                               2018 2020

湖北省自然科学基金面上项目                                   2018 2019


实验室成员 已毕业成员

杜元娇, 博士研究生 高原, 博士研究生 (2018-2021)

王静茹, 博士研究生 方娜, 博士研究生 (2017-2021)

楚青竹, 硕士研究生

周田田, 硕士研究生

王琪, 本科生

张家骞, 本科生



    1. Jingru Wang(#), Na Fang(#), Juan Xiong(#), Yuanjiao Du, Yue Cao, Wei-ke Ji* (2021) An ESCRT-dependent step in fatty acid transfer from lipid droplets to mitochondria through VPS13D−TSG101 interactions. Nature Communications, 10.1038/s41467-021-21525-5.

    2. Yuan Gao, Juan Xiong, Qingzhu Chu, Wei-ke Ji* (2021) PDZD8 mediated lipid transfer at ER-LE/lys contacts is required for LE/lys positioning and neurite outgrowth. Journal of Cell Science, JOCES/2020/255026.

    3. Yuanjiao Du, Jingru Wang, Juan Xiong, Na Fang, and Wei-Ke Ji * (2021) VPS13D interacts with VCP/p97 and negatively regulates endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria interactions. Molecular Biology of the Cell, doi/10.1091/mbc. E21-03-0097.

    4. Wei-ke Ji, Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Xintao Fan, Lori Schoenfeld, Stefan Strack & Henry N.Higgs* (2017) Receptor-mediated Drp1 oligomerization on endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 216 no.12.

    5. Wei-ke Ji(#), Anna L. Hatch(#), Ronald A Merrill, Stefan Strack, Henry N. Higgs* (2015) Actin filaments target the maturation of Drp1 oligomers to mitochondrial fission sites. eLife. 2015 Nov 26;4. pii: e11553. doi: 10.7554/eLife.11553.

    6. Lili Gong(#), Wei-ke Ji(#), Xiao-Hui Hu(#), Wen-Feng Hu(#), XiangCheng Tang, Zhao-Xia Huang, Ling Li, Mugen Liu, Shihua Xiang, Erxi Wu, Zachary Woodward, Yizhi Liu, Quan Dong Nguyen, and David Wan-Cheng Li* (2014). Sumoylation Differentially Regulates Sp1 to Control Cell Differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 15;111(15):5574-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1315034111.

    7. Tak Shun Fung, Wei-Ke Ji, Henry N. Higgs*, Rajarshi Chakrabarti* (2019) Two distinct actin filament populations have effects on mitochondria, with differences in stimuli and assembly factors. Journal of Cell Science   jcs234435 doi: 10.1242

    8. Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Wei-Ke Ji, Radu V. Stan, Jaime de Juan Sanz, Timothy A. Ryan, Henry N. Higgs* (2018). INF2-mediated actin polymerization at the ER stimulates mitochondrial calcium uptake, inner membrane constriction, and division. Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 217 no. 1.

    9. AL Hatch, Wei-Ke Ji, RA Merrill, S Strack, HN Higgs* (2016). Actin filaments as dynamic reservoirs for Drp1 recruitment. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 27(20):3109-3121

    10. Wei-ke Ji, Xiangcheng Tang, Min Yi, Peichao Chen, Fang-Yuan Liu, Xiao-Hui Hu, Wenfeng Hu, Shujun Fu, Jifang Liu, Kaili Wu, Minxing Wu, Xialin Liu, Lixia Luo, Shan Huang, Zhenzhen Liu, Minbin Yu, Yi-Zhi Liu and David W-C Li* (2013). p53 directly Regulates áA-, and âA3/A1-Crystallin Genes to Modulate Lens Differentiation. Curr. Mol. Med., 13(6): 968-978.

    11. Liu, J(#); Ji, W(#); Sun, S; Zhang, L; Chen, H-G; Mao, Y; Liu, L; Zhang, X; Gong, L; Deng, M; Chen, L; Han, W-J; Chen, P-C; Hu, W-F; Hu, X; Woodward, Z; Liu, W-B; Xiao, Y-M; Liang, S-P; Liu, Y; Liu, S-J; Li, D W-C*; The PP2A-Abeta gene is regulated by multiple transcriptional factors including Ets-1, SP1/SP3, and RXRalpha/beta., Curr. Mol. Med., 2012, 12(8): 982-994.    

    12. Chen, P#; Ji, W(#); Liu, F-Y; Tang, H-Z; Fu, S; Zhang, X; Liu, M; Gong, L; Deng, M; Hu, W-F; Hu, X-H; Chen, X-W; Li, Z-L; Li, X; Liu, J; Li, D W-C*; Alpha-crystallins and tumorigenesis., Curr. Mol. Med., 2012, 12(9): 1164-1173.  

    13. Ji, Weike; Zhao, Zhi; Zhang, Yingzi; Wang, Yu; Ding, Jiuyuan*; Corynebacterium pekinense transketolase: gene cloning, sequence analysis and expression. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2010, 50(11): 1474-1480.  




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