欧阳珠清,华中科技大学基础医学院教授,博士生导师。2003年本科毕业于兰州大学生命科学学院。2009年于中国科学院生物物理所获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位(导师:孙飞,张旭家)。同年底到美国杜克大学做博后。2011年9月至2017年12月在美国德州大学西南医学中心/霍华德休斯研究所Hongtao Yu教授实验室从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为染色体分离调控的分子机制。2018年1月入职基础医学院病原微生物系。近五年发表第一作者文章3篇,包括Molecular Cell 1篇,PNAS 1篇,Bioessays 1篇。
[1] Ouyang Zhuqing and Yu Hongtao.(2017) Releasing the cohesin ring: A rigid scaffold model for opening the DNA exit gate by Pds5 and Wapl. Bioessays. 2017 Feb 21. doi: 10.1002/bies.201600207 (Invited review)
[2] Rong Ziye, Ouyang Zhuqing, Magin Robert, Marmorstein Ronen, Yu Hongtao. (2016)Opposing Functions of the N-terminal Acetyltransferases Naa50 and NatA in Sister-chromatid Cohesion. J Biol Chem. Sep 2;291(36):19079-91
[3] Zheng Ge, Ouyang Zhuqing, Yu Hongtao.(2016)Biochemical and Functional Assays of Human Cohesin Releasing Factor Wapl. Methods in molecular biology. Volume 1515; Cohesin and Condensin: 37-53 (Book Chapter)
[4] Ouyang Zhuqing#, Zheng Ge#, Tomchick R.Diana, Luo Xuelian & Yu Hongtao.(2016) Structural basis and IP6 requirement for Pds5-dependent cohesin dynamics. Molecular Cell. 62, 1–12.
Highlight article by Nancy R. Gough. IP6 in chromosome dynamics. Science Signaling, Vol. 9, Issue 426, pp. ec104
[5] Hara Kodai#, Zheng Ge#, Qu Qianhui, Liu Hong, Ouyang Zhuqing, Chen Zhe, Tomchick R.Diana & Yu Hongtao.(2014) Structure of cohesin subcomplex pinpoints direct shugoshin-Wapl antagonism in centromeric cohesion. Nat Struct Mol Biol. Oct; 21(10):864-70.
[6] Ouyang Zhuqing#, Zheng Ge#, Song Jianhua, Borek M.Dominika, Otwinowski Zbyszek, Brautigam A.Chad, Tomchick R.Diana, Rankin Susannah and Yu Hongtao.(2013)Structure of the human cohesin inhibitorWapl. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Jul 9;110(28): 11355-60. (Direct submission)
[7] Ouyang Zhuqing, Li Zhuo, Zhang Xujia.(2008)Cloning and sequencing of V-ATPase subunit d from mung bean and its function in passive proton transport. J Bioenerg Biomembr. Dec; 40(6):569-76.
[8] Pan Jing, Zhang Qi, Zhang Yuntao, Ouyang Zhuqing, Zheng Qiusheng, Zheng Rongliang.(2005)Oxidative stress in heroin administered mice and natural antioxidants protection. Life Sci. May 27; 77(2):183-93.
热忱欢迎对生命科学感兴趣,立志于攻克人类重大疾病的本科生、 硕士生、博士生、博士后等有志青年加入。