黄波,华中科技大学同济医学院生物化学与分子生物学系教授,同时任中国医学科学院基础医学研究所&北京协和医学院,协和学者特聘教授兼免疫学系副主任,中国免疫学会副秘书长。1999年和2002年先后在华中科技大学同济医学院获得生物化学与分子生物学硕士和博士学位。2002年5月至2006年2月先后在karolinska institute(乳腺癌的遗传学)、加拿大university of calgary(脑胶质瘤的生物学)、美国mount sinai school of medicine(肿瘤免疫学和免疫治疗)从事博士后研究。回国后,在2008年破格晋升为教授、博士生导师。先后获得首届“中国免疫学青年学者奖”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”资助、“湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号、中国医学科学院和北京协和医学院协和学者和特聘教授、“国家杰出青年基金”资助、“国家百千万人才和有突出贡献中青年专家”称号,。现任中国免疫学会常务理事以及中国生物化学与分子生物学会理事,中国抗癌协会肿瘤生物治疗专业委员会委员,并担任cancer letters,european journal of immunology等杂志的编委。
实验室自2008年成立以来,主要研究方向为肿瘤免疫,肿瘤生物治疗,肿瘤生物学,肿瘤代谢等。在nature materials、nature communications、blood、embo reports、cancer research、cancer immunology research、oncoimmunology、journal of immunology等相关领域国际主流杂志发表sci文章60多篇,30篇论文的影响因子>;5.0,sci引用2000余次。实验室目前有在站博士后5名,博士研究生8名,硕士研究生11名。
2015 publications
1)ruihua ma, tiantian ji, degao chen, wenqian dong, huafeng zhang, xiaonan yin, jingwei ma, xiaoyu liang, yi zhang, guanxin shen, xiaofeng qin,bo huang*. tumor cell-derived microparticles polarize m2 tumor-associated macrophages for tumor progression. oncoimmunology. 2015. accepted (if: 6.266)
2)tang k, hu l, ma j, zhang h, zhang y, li y, ma r, luo s, liu d, long g, han m, liu s, song a, shen m, hu g,huang b*. brief report: human mesenchymal stem-like cells facilitate floating tumorigenic cell growth via glutamine-ammonium cycle. stem cells. 2015;33(9):2877-84. (if: 6.523)
3)wang z, cheng q, tang k, sun y, zhang k, zhang y, luo s, zhang h, ye d,huang b*.lipid mediator lipoxin a4 inhibits tumor growth by targeting il-10-producing regulatory b (breg) cells.. cancer lett. 2015;364(2):118-24. (if: 5.621)
4)zhang h,huang b*. tumor cell-derived microparticles: a new form of cancer vaccine. oncoimmunology. 2015;4(8):e1017704. (if: 6.266)
5)cao y, liu c, gu z, zhang y, duan y, zhang y, zhang h, tang k,huang b*. microparticles mediate human papillomavirus type 6 or 11 infection of human macrophages. cell mol immunol. 2015 apr 20. (if: 4.112)
6)li y, luo s, ma r, liu j, xu p, zhang h, tang k, ma j, zhang y, liang x, sun y, ji t, wang n,huang b*. upregulation of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is a critical metabolic event in melanoma cells that repopulate. cancer res. 2015;75(7):1191-6. (if:9.329)
7)zhang h, tang k, zhang y, ma r, ma j, li y, luo s, liang x, ji t, gu z, lu j, he w, cao x, wan y,huang b*. cell-free tumor microparticle vaccines stimulate dendritic cells via cgas/sting signaling. cancer immunol res. 2015;3(2):196-205. (if:3.857)
8)huang b*. tumor microenvironment: a mechanical force link. sci china life sci. 2015;58(2):202-4. (if: 1.688)
2014 publications
9)zhao j, zeng w, cao y, liang x,huang b*. immunotherapy of hpv infection-caused genital warts using low dose cyclophosphamide. expert rev clin immunol. 2014;10;791-9. (if:2.484)
2013 publications
10)ma r, zhang w, tang k, zhang h, zhang y, li d, li y, xu p, luo s, cai w, ji t, katirai f, ye d,huang b*. switch of glycolysis to gluconeogenesis by dexamethasone for treatment of hepatocarcinoma. nat commun. 2013;4:2508. (if: 11.47)
11)li d, cai w, gu r, zhang y, zhang h, tang k, xu p, katirai f, shi w, wang l, huang t,huang b*.th17 cell plays a role in the pathogenesis of hashimoto's thyroiditis in patients.clin immunol. 2013;149(3):411-20. (if:3.672)
12)bian j, li b, zeng x, hu h, hong y, ouyang h, zhang x, wang z, zhu h, lei p,huang b*, shen g. mutation of tgf-β receptor ii facilitates human bladder cancer progression through altered tgf-β1 signaling pathway. int j oncol. 2013;43(5):1549-59. (if:3.025)
13)ma j, cai w, zhang y, huang c, zhang h, liu j, tang k, xu p, katirai f, zhang j, he w, ye d, shen gx,huang b*. innate immune cell-derived microparticles facilitate hepatocarcinoma metastasis by transferring integrin αmβ2 to tumor cells. j immunol. 2013;191:3453-61. (if: 4.922)
14)xu z, zhao j, zhang h, ke t, xu p, cai w, katirai f, ye d, huang y,huang b*. spontaneous miscarriages are explained by the stress/glucocorticoid/lipoxin a4 axis. j immunol. 2013;190:6051-8. (if: 4.922)
2012 publications
15)liu j, tan y, zhang h, zhang y, xu p, chen j, poh yc, tang k, wang n,huang b*. soft fibrin gels promote selection and growth of tumorigenic cells. nat mater. 2012;11:734-41. (if: 36.503)
16)tang k, zhang y, zhang h, xu p, liu j, ma j, lv m, li d, katirai f, shen gx, zhang g, feng zh, ye d,huang b*. delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs in tumour cell-derived microparticles. nat commun. 2012;3:1282. (if: 11.47)
17)zhang y, zhang r, zhang h, liu j, yang z, xu p, cai w, lu g, cui m, schwendener ra, shi hz, xiong h,huang b*. microparticles released by listeria monocytogenes-infected macrophages are required for dendritic cell-elicited protective immunity. cell mol immunol. 2012;9:489-96. (if: 4.112)
18)li d, jia h, zhang h, lv m, liu j, zhang y, huang t,huang b*. tlr4 signaling induces the release of microparticles by tumor cells that regulate inflammatory cytokine il-6 of macrophages via microrna let-7b. oncoimmunology. 2012;1:687-693. (if: 6.266)
19)lv m, zhang x, jia h, li d, zhang b, zhang h, hong m, jiang t, jiang q, lu j, huang x,huang b*. an oncogenic role of mir-142-3p in human t cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (t-all) by targeting glucocorticoid receptor alpha and camp/pka pathways. leukemia. 2012;26:769-77. (if:10.431)
2011 publications
20)liu j, zhao j, hu l, cao y,huang b*. low dosages: new chemotherapeutic weapons on the battlefield of immune-related diseases. cell mol immunol. 2011;8:289-95. (if: 4.112)
21)liu j, zhang y, zhao j, yang z, li d, katirai f,huang b*. mast cell: insight into remodeling a tumor microenvironment. cancer metastasis rev. 2011;30:177-84. (if:7.234)
22)ouyang x, yang z, zhang r, arnaboldi p, lu g, li q, wang w, zhang b, cui m, zhang h, liang-chen j, qin l, zheng f,huang b*, xiong h*. potentiation of th17 cytokines in aging process contributes to the development of colitis. cell immunol. 2011;266:208-17. (if: 1.924)
23)zhang b, jia h, liu j, yang z, jiang t, tang k, li d, huang c, ma j, shen gx, ye d,huang b*. depletion of t regulatory cells facilitates growth of established tumors: a mechanism involving the regulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells by lipoxin a4. j immunol. 2010;185:7199-206. (if: 4.922)
24)tang k, liu j, yang z, zhang b, zhang h, huang c, ma j, shen gx, ye d,huang b*. microparticles mediate enzyme transfer from platelets to mast cells: a new pathway for lipoxin a4 biosynthesis. biochem biophys res commun. 2010;400:432-6. (if: 2.297)
25)zhao j, cao y, lei z, yang z, zhang b,huang b*. selective depletion of cd4+cd25+foxp3+ regulatory t cells by low-dose cyclophosphamide is explained by reduced intracellular atp levels. cancer res. 2010;70:4850-8. (if: 9.329)
26)cao y, zhao j, yang z, cai z, zhang b, zhou y, shen gx, chen x, li s,huang b*. cd4+foxp3+ regulatory t cell depletion by low-dose cyclophosphamide prevents recurrence in patients with large condylomataacuminata after laser therapy. clin immunol. 2010;136:21-29. (if: 3.672)
27)zhou y, wang s, ma jw, lei z, zhu hf, lei p, yang zs, zhang b, yao xx, shi c, sun lf, wu xw, ning q, shen gx,huang b*. hbx-induced expression of the cxc chemokine ip-10 is mediated through activation of nf-kappab and increases migration of leukocytes. j biol chem. 2010;285:12159-68. (if:4.573)
28)yang z, zhang b, li d, lv m, huang c, shen gx,huang b*. mast cells mobilize myeloid-derived suppressor cells and treg cells in tumor microenvironment via il-17 pathway in murine hepatocarcinoma model. plos one. 2010;5:e8922. (if:3.234)
29)li b, lei z, lichty bd, li d, zhang gm, feng zh, wan y,huang b*. autophagy facilitates major histocompatibility complex class i expression induced by ifn-gamma in b16 melanoma cells. cancer immunol immun. 2010;59:313-21. (if:3.941)
30)yang z, lei z, li b, zhou y, zhang gm, feng zh, zhang b, shen gx,huang b*. rapamycin inhibits lung metastasis of b16 melanoma cells through down-regulating alphav integrin expression and up-regulating apoptosis signaling. cancer sci. 2010; 101:494-500. (if: 3.523)
2009 publications
31)lei z, li b, yang z, fang h, zhang gm, feng zh,huang b*. regulation of hif-1alpha and vegf by mir-20b tunes tumor cells to adapt to the alteration of oxygen concentration. plos one. 2009; 4:e7629.(if:3.234)
32)zhao j, lei z, liu y, li b, zhang l, fang h, song c, wang x, zhang gm, feng zh,huang b*. human pregnancy upregulates tim-3 in innate immune cells for systemic immunity. j immunol. 2009; 182:6618-24. (if:4.922)
33)huang b*, zhao j, lei z, shen s, li d, shen gx, zhang gm, feng zh*. mir-142-3p regulates camp production in t cells by targeting adenylyl cyclase 9 mrna. embo rep. 2009; 10:180-5. (if:9.055)
34)lei z, zhang gm, hong m, feng zh,huang b*. fusion of dendritic cells and cd34+cd38- acute myeloid leukemia (aml) cells potentiates targeting aml-initiating cells by specific ctl induction. j immunother. 2009; 32:408-14. (if:4.008)
2008 publications
35)song c, luo l, lei z, li b, liang z, liu g, li d, zhang g,huang b*, feng zh*. il-17-producing alveolar macrophages mediate allergic lung inflammation related to asthma. j immunol. 2008; 181:6117-24. (if:4.922)
36)huang b*, lei z, zhang gm, li d, song c, li b, liu y, yuan y, unkeless j, xiong h, feng zh*.scf-mediated mast cell infiltration and activation exacerbate the inflammation and immunosuppression in tumor microenvironment. blood. 2008; 112:1269-79.(if: 10.452)
37)gong w, zhang gm, liu y, lei z, li d, yuan y,huang b*, feng zh*. ifn-γ withdrawal after immunotherapy potentiates b16 melanoma invasion and metastasis by intensifying tumor integrin αvβ3 signaling. int j cancer. 2008; 123:702-708.(if: 5.085)
38)cao y, zhao j, lei z, shen s, liu c, li d, liu j, shen gx, zhang gm, feng zh,huang b*. local accumulation of foxp3+ regulatory t cells: evidence for an immune evasion mechanism in patients with large condylomata acuminata. j immunol. 2008; 180:7681-6. (if:4.922)
39)lei z, liu g, huang q, lv m, zu r, zhang gm, feng zh,huang b*. scf and il-31 rather than il-17 and baff are potential indicators in patients with allergic asthma. allergy. 2008; 63:327-32. (if:6.028)
40)huang b*, zhao j, unkeless jc, feng zh, xiong h*. tlr signaling by tumor and immune cells: a double-edged sword. oncogene. 2008; 27:218-24. (if:8.459)
2007 publications
41)xiao h,huang b(co-first author), yuan y, li d, han lf, liu y, gong w, wu fh, zhang gm, feng zh. soluble pd-1 facilitates 4-1bbl-triggered antitumor immunity against murine h22 hepatocarcinoma in vivo. clin cancer res. 2007; 13:1823-30. (if: 8.722)
42)liu y,huang b(co-first author), yuan y, gong w, xiao h, li d, yu zr, wu fh, zhang gm, feng zh.inhibition of hepatocarcinoma and tumor metastasis to liver by gene therapy with recombinant cbd-hepii polypeptide of fibronectin. int j cancer. 2007; 121:184-92. (if: 5.085)
43)huang b, zhao j, shen s, li h, he kl, shen gx, mayer l, unkeless j, li d, yuan y, zhang gm, xiong h, feng zh. listeria monocytogenes promotes tumor growth via tumor cell toll-like receptor 2 signaling. cancer res. 2007; 67:4346-52.
44)huang b, lei z, zhao j, gong w, liu j, chen z, liu y, li d, yuan y, zhang gm, feng zh. ccl2/ccr2 pathway mediates recruitment of myeloid suppressor cells to cancers. cancer lett. 2007; 252:86-92. (if: 5.621)
2006 publications
45)huang b, pan py, li q, sato ai, levy de, bromberg j, divino cm, chen sh. gr-1+cd115+ immature myeloid suppressor cells mediate the development of tumor specific t regulatory cell and t cell anergy. cancer res. 2006; 66:1123-31. (if:9.329)
2005 publications
46)huang b, zhao j, li h, he kl, chen y, chen sh, mayer l, unkeless jc, xiong h. toll like receptor(tlr) on tumor cells facilitate evasion of immune surveillance. cancer res. 2005; 65:5009-14. (if:9.329)