方敏,男,1966年1月出生,中共党员,免疫学专业博士,华中科技大学同济医学院免疫学系三级教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。1983年9月-1989年7月在武汉同济医科大学本科学习,获医学学士学位;1993年9月-1996年7月在武汉同济医科大学攻读硕士学位,获免疫学专业硕士学位;2002年5月—2005年5月:德国杜塞尔多夫大学攻读博士学位,获免疫学专业博士学位。1996年7月—1999年8月:武汉同济医科大学基础医学院免疫学教研室 助教,讲师;1999年8月—2000年8月:维也纳大学医学院外科研究所 访问学者。2005年5月-2010年10月:华中科技大学同济医学院免疫学教研室副教授。2010年11月-迄今:华中科技大学同济医学院免疫学教研室教授。中国免疫学会移植免疫分会委员,中德医学会会员。主要研究方向为免疫耐受与移植免疫学;参与完成科技部重大基础研究项目(973项目)2项;作为项目负责人已完成国家自然科学基金二项(2008.1-2010.12):(Grant No.30772039)SOCS与IDO对移植排斥反应中Th17细胞的调节机制; (Grant No. 81072440) HMGB1诱生、趋化IL-17+γδT/Th17细胞参与移植排斥反应的作用与机制。目前作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金二项:2014.1-2017.12(Grant No. 81373167); 2016-2018(Grant No. 91542110)。以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文22篇。
近期已发表主要论著(* 为通讯作者):
1. Chen X, Fang D, Li L, Chen L, Li Q, Gong F, Fang M*.Glycyrrhizin ameliorates experimental colitis through attenuating interleukin-17-producing T cell responses via regulating antigen-presenting cells. Immunol Res. 2017 ;65(3):666-680.
2. Chen X, Li L, Khan MN, Shi L, Wang Z, Zheng F, Gong F, Fang M*. HMGB1 exacerbates experimental mouse colitis by enhancing innate lymphoid cells 3 inflammatory responses via promoted IL-23 production. Innate Immunity. 2016 Nov;22(8):696-705.
3. Qin Xu, Fang Zheng, Feili Gong, and Min Fang*. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) gene transfer prolongs the survival of murine cardiac allograft by attenuating IL-17-producing alloreactive T-cell responses. The Journal of Gene Medicine 2014;16: 66-74
4. Xia Q, Duan L, Shi L, Zheng F, Gong F, Fang M*. High-mobility group box 1 accelerates early acute allograft rejection via enhancing IL-17+ γδ T-cell response.Transplant International 2014;27: 399-407
5.Xiong A, Duan L, Chen J, Fan Z, Zheng F, Tan Z, Gong F*, Fang M*. Flt3L combined with rapamycin promotes cardiac allograft tolerance by inducing regulatory dendritic cells and allograft autophagy in mice.PLoS One. 2012; 7(10):e46230. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046230.
6. Chen J, Duan L, Xiong A, Zhang H, Zheng F, Tan Z, Gong F*, Fang M*. Blockade of IL-33 ameliorates Con A-induced hepatic injury by reducing NKT cell activation and IFN-γ production in mice. J Mol Med. 2012; 90 (12):1505-1515.
7.Duan L, Chen J, Zhang H, Yang H, Zhu P, Xiong A, Xia Q, Zheng F, Tan Z, Gong F*, Fang M*. Interleukin-33 ameliorates experimental colitis through promoting Th2/Foxp3⁺ regulatory T-cell responses in mice Mol Med. 2012; 18:753-761.
8. Zhu P., Duan L., Chen J., Xiong A.,Xu Q., Zhang H.,Zheng F., Tan Z., Gong F.*, Fang M.*. Gene silencing of NALP3 protects against liver ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice. Human Gene Therapy 2011;22:853-864.
9. Duan L, Wang CY, Chen J, Gong Q, Zhu P, Zheng F, Tan Z, Gong F*, Fang M*. High-mobility group box 1 promotes early acute allograft rejection by enhancing IL-6-dependent Th17 alloreactive response. Laboratory Investigation 2011;91: 43-53.
10. Tong J, Wu WN, Kong X, Wu PF, Tian L, Du W, Fang M, Zheng F, Chen JG*, Tan Z*, Gong F*.Acid-sensing ion channels contribute to the effect of acidosis on the function of dendritic cells. J Immunol. 2011, 186: 3686-3692.
11. Li Liu, Lihua Duan, Min Gong, Hong Dai, Quan Gong, Fang Zheng, Zheng Tan, Cong-Yi Wang, Feili Gong, Min Fang*. Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase and regulatory dendritic cells contribute to the allograft protection by infusion of donor-specific splenic stromal cells. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2011; 8: 31-40.
12. Quan Gong, Hui Zhang, Jun-hua Li, Li-hua Duan, Shan Zhong, Xiao-ling Kong, Fang Zheng, Zheng Tan, Ping Xiong, Gang Chen, Min Fang,*, Fei-li Gong,* High-mobility group box 1 exacerbates concanavalin A induced hepatic injury in mice. J. Mol. Med. 2010;88:1289-1298.
13.Zhang H., Gong Q., Li J.H., Kong X.L., Tian L., Duan L.H., Tong J., Song F.F., Fang M., Zheng F., Xiong P., Tan Z., Gong F.L., CpG ODN pretreatment attenuates concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in mice. International Immunopharmacology 2010, 10:79-85.
14. Ma Y., Yang H., Qi J., Liu D., Xiong P., Xu Y., Feng W., Zheng G., Li P., Fang M., Tan Z., Zheng F., Gong F., CD2AP is indispensable to multistep cytotoxic process by NK cells. Mol. Immunol. 2010, 47:1074-82.
15.Dai H., Zhu H., Lei P., Yagita H., Liu J., Wen X., Zhou W., Gong F. , Shen G. *, Fang M.* , Programmed death-1 signaling is essential for the skin allograft protection by alternatively activated dendritic cell in fusion in mice. Transplantation 2009, 88:864-873.
16. Yu G., Dai H., Chen J., Duan L., Gong M., Liu L., Xiong P., Wang C.-Y. , Fang M.* and Gong F.*, Gene delivery of IDO prolongs cardiac allograft survival by shaping the types of T-cell responses. J. Gene Med. 2008, 10: 754-761.
17. Yu G., Fang M.*, Gong M., Liu L., Zhong J., Feng W., Xiong P., Cong-Yi Wang C.-Y., and Gong F.*. Steady state dendritic cells with forced IDO expression induce skin allograft tolerance by upregulation of regulatory T cells. Transplant Immunology 2008, 18: 208-219.
18. Gong Q., Yin H., Fang M., Xiang Y., Yuan C.L., Zheng G.Y., Yang H., Xiong P., Chen G.*, Gong F.L.*, Zheng F., Heme oxygenase-1 upregulation significantly inhibits TNF-α and Hmgb1 releasing and attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice. International Immunopharmacology 2008, 8:792–798.
19.Huang Y.F., Yin H., Han J.Y., Huang B.J.,Xu J.F., Zheng F., Fang M., Wang C.-Y., Gong F.L.,Extracellular Hmgb1 functions as an innate immune mediator implicated in murine cardiac allograft acute rejection. American Journal of Transplantation 2007, 7: 293-302.
20. Xu J.F., Huang B.J., Yin H., Xiong P., Feng W., Xu Y., Fang M., Zheng F., Wang C.-Y.,Gong F.L., A limited course of soluble CD83 delays acute cellular rejection of MHC-mismatched mouse skin allograft. Transplant international 2007, 20 :266-276.
21. Huang B.J., Yin H., Huang Y.F., Xu J.F., Xiong P., Feng W., Zheng F., Xu Y., Fang M., Gong F.L. Gene therapy using adenoviral vector encoding 4-1 BBIg gene significantly prolonged murine cardiac allograft survival. Transplant Immunology 2006,16:88-94.
22. Fang M., Dai H., Yu G. Gong F-L., Gene delivery of SOCS3 protects mice from lethal endotoxic shock. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2005,2:373-377.