孟宪芳 1975年出生,博士、讲师、硕士研究生导师。1999年毕业于泰山医学院,获医学学士学位。2002年获同济医科大学医学遗传学硕士学位,并留校任教。2009年获华中科技大学神经生物学博士学位。曾参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。作为申请者获国家自然科学基金资助课题1项和校基金重点项目1项
1.meng xf, luo y, xiao w, li m, shi j. cloning and characterization of the promoter of the human ahi1 gene. biochem genet. 2009 feb 4. [epub ahead of print] doi 10.1007/s10528-009-9232-8.
2.meng xf, shi j, peng b, zou xj, zhang c. effect of mouse sim2 gene on the cell cycle of pc12 cells. cell biol int, 2006, 30(4):349-353.
3.meng xf, zou xj, peng b, shi j, guan xm, zhang c. inhibition of ethanol-induced toxicity by tanshinone iia in pc12 cells. acta pharmacol sin. 2006, 27(6):659-664.
4.meng xf, peng b, shi j, zheng y, chen h, zhang j, li l, zhang c. effects of overexpression of sim2 on spatial memory and expression of synapsin i in rat hippocampus. cell biol int. 2006 ,30(10):841-847.
5.meng xf, zhang c, chen jz, peng s, cao y, ying k, xie y, mao y.. cloning and identification of a novel cdna coding thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 2. biochem genet, 2003, 41: 99-106.
6.meng xf, chen j, yang q, wang s, chao y, ying k, xie y, mao y. cloning and identification of a novel cdna which may be associated with fkbp25. biochem genet, 2002, 40:303-310.
7.彭彬,孟宪芳,李熳,罗艺,刘晓春,李玲俐,张静,施静. 大鼠脊髓损伤后表皮生长因子受体在脊髓的表达特点. 中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志,2007,16(6):701-705. (通讯作者)
8.彭彬,孟宪芳,李熳,罗艺,李玲俐,张静,刘晓春,施静,陈峰. 夹脊电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后表皮生长因子受体及胶质酸性纤维蛋白表达的影响. 针刺研究,2007,32(4):319-223. (通讯作者)
9.邹晓静, 孟宪芳, 姚尚龙. 丹参酮iia对乙醇诱导pc12细胞损伤的保护作用. 中国药学杂志, 2006, 41: 1553-1556. (通讯作者)
10.孟宪芳, 郑瑶, 许强, 沈洁, 施静, 彭彬. sim2基因对pc12细胞分化的影响. 遗传, 2006, 28: 778-782.