1.国家自然科学基金“细胞器互作网络及其功能研究”重大研究计划集成项目, 92354304、“线粒体细胞器互作网络调控机制及功能”、2024/01-2025/12,475万元、在研、主持
2.国家杰出青年科学基金, 32125011、“线粒体动态调控与质量控制”、2022/01-2026/12,400万元、在研、主持
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31970711、“线粒体蛋白酶OMA1调控结直肠癌细胞能量代谢研究”、2020/01-2023/12,58万元、已结题、主持
5.国家自然科学基金“细胞器互作网络及其功能研究”重大研究计划培育项目, 91854107、“线粒体内外膜接触调控线粒体与内质网互作研究”、2019/01-2021/12,96万元、已结题、主持
6.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31671393、“线粒体外膜蛋白Sam50在线粒体动力学及线粒体自噬调控中的作用及分子机制研究”、2017/01-2020/12,62万元、已结题、主持
Jun Dong#, Li Chen#, Fei Ye#, Junhui Tang, Bing Liu, Jiacheng Lin, Pang-Hu Zhou, Bin Lu, Min Wu, Jia-Hong Lu, Jing-Jing He, Simone Engelender, Qingtao Meng,Zhiyin Song*, He He*. (2024). Mic19 depletion impairs endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondrial contacts and mitochondrial lipid metabolism and triggers liver disease.Nature Communications.15(1):168
Tianshu Hao#, Jianglong Yu#, Zhida Wu, Jie Jiang, Longlong Gong, Bingjun Wang, Hanze Guo, Huabin Zhao, Bin Lu, Simone Engelender, He He*,Zhiyin Song*(2023)Hypoxia-reprogramed megamitochondrion contacts and engulfs lysosome to mediate mitochondrial self-digestion.Nature Communications.14(1):4105
Li Chen#, Jun Dong#, Siyang Liao, Siyou Wang, Zhida Wu, Meiling Zuo, Bing Liu, Chaojun Yan, Yong Chen, He He, Qingtao Meng*,Zhiyin Song*. (2022)Loss of Sam50 in hepatocytes induces cardiolipin-dependent mitochondrial membrane remodeling to trigger mtDNA release and liver injury.Hepatology.76(5):1389-1408
Siyang Liao; Li Chen;Zhiyin Song*; He He*. (2022) The fate of damaged mitochondrial DNA in the cell,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research,1869(5): 119233
5. Li Shu#, Chao Hu#, Meng Xu, Jianglong Yu, He He, Jie Lin, Hongying Sha, Bin Lu, Simone Engelende, Minxin Guan,Zhiyin Song*. (2021) ATAD3B is a mitophagy receptor mediating clearance of oxidative stress-induced damaged mitochondrial DNA.The EMBO Journal. 40(8):e106283
6.Zhida Wu#, Meiling Zuo#, Ling Zeng, Kaisa Cui, Bing Liu, Chaojun Yan, Li Chen, Jun Dong, Fugen Shangguan, Wanglai Hu, He He, Bin Lu,Zhiyin Song*. (2021) OMA1 reprograms metabolism under hypoxia to promote colorectal cancer development.EMBO Reports.22(1):e50827
7. Junhui Tang#, Kuan Zhang#, Jun Dong, Chaojun Yan, Chao Hu, Hongchao Ji, Liangyi Chen, Shi Chen, Huabin Zhao,Zhiyin Song*. (2020)Sam50-Mic19-Mic60 axis determines mitochondrial cristae architecture by mediating mitochondrial outer and inner membrane contact.Cell Death and Differentiation.27(1):146-160
8.Chaojun Yan, Longlong Gong, Li Chen, Meng Xu, Hussein Abou-Hamdan, Mingliang Tang, Laurent Désaubry,Zhiyin Song*(2020)PHB2(prohibitin 2) promotes PINK1-PRKN/Parkin-dependent mitophagy by the PARL-PGAM5-PINK1 axis.Autophagy. 16(3):419-434
9. Chao Hu#, Li Shu#, Xiaoshuai Huang, Jianglong Yu, liuju Li, Longlong Gong, Meigui Yang, Zhida Wu, Zhi Gao, Yungang Zhao, Liangyi Chen*, andZhiyin Song*(2020) OPA1 and MICOS Regulate Mitochondrial Crista Dynamics and Formation.Cell Death & Disease. 11(10):940
10. Chaojun Yan, Xiaoying Duanmu, Ling Zeng, Bing Liu,Zhiyin Song*. (2019) Mitochondrial DNA: Distribution, Mutations, and Elimination.Cells. 8(4)
11.Fenglei Jian, Dan Chen, Li Chen, Chaojun Yan, Bin Lu, Yushan Zhu, Shi Chen, Anbing Shi, David C Chan,Zhiyin Song.*(2018)Sam50Regulates PINK1-Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy by Controlling PINK1 Stability and Mitochondrial Morphology.Cell Reports.23(10), 2989-3005
12. Muhammad Riaz Khan, Shaoxun Xiang,Zhiyin Song*, Mian Wu*(2017)The p53-inducible long noncoding RNA TRINGS protects cancer cells from necrosis under glucose starvation.The EMBO Journal.36(23):3483-3500
13.Li H, Ruan Y, Zhang K, Jian F, Hu C, Miao L, Gong L, Sun L, Zhang X, Chen S, Chen H, Liu D,Song Z.*(2016)Mic60/Mitofilin determines MICOS assembly essential for mitochondrial dynamics and mtDNA nucleoid organization.Cell Death and Differentiation,23(3):380-92.
14. Kuan Zhang, Huihui Li,Zhiyin Song*(2014) Membrane depolarization activates the mitochondrial protease OMA1 by stimulating self-cleavage.EMBO Reports, 15(5):576-85
15. Y Ruan, H Li, K Zhang, F Jian, J Tang,Z Song* (2013)Loss of Yme1L perturbates mitochondrial dynamics.Cell Death & Disease, 4:e896. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.414
16. Miao L#,Song Z#, Jin L, Zhu YM, Wen LP, Wu M. (2010) ARF antagonizes the ability of Miz-1 to inhibit p53-mediated transactivation.Oncogene,29(5):711-722 (co-first author)
17Zhiyin Song, Mariam Ghochani, J Michael McCaffery, Terrence G Frey, David C Chan*. (2009) Mitofusins and OPA1 mediate sequential steps in mitochondrial membrane fusion.Molecular Biology of the Cell,(15):3525-3532
18.Zhiyin Song,Hsiuchen Chen, Maja Fiket, Christiane Alexander, David C Chan. (2007) OPA1 processing controls mitochondrial fusion and is regulated by mRNA splicing, membrane potential, and Yme1L.Journal of Cell Biology.178(5):749-755
19.Zhiyin Song,Mian Wu*. (2005) Identification of a novel nucleolar localization signal and a degradation signal in Survivin-deltaEx3: a potential link between nucleolus and protein degradation.Oncogene. 14; 24(16): 2723-2734
20.Zhiyin Song, Shixin Liu, He He, Naser Hoti, Yi Wang, Shanshan Feng, Mian Wu*. (2004) ASingle Amino Acid Change (Asp 53->Ala53) Converts Survivin from anti-apoptotic to pro-apoptotic.Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15(3):1287-1296
21.Zhiyin Song, Xuebiao Yao, Mian Wu. (2003) Direct interaction between Survivin and Smac is essential for the anti-apoptotic activity of Survivin during Taxol-induced apoptosis.Journal of Biological Chemistry.278(25): 23130-23140