朱莉萍,华中科技大学同济医学院二级教授、华中学者卓越首席教授、博士生导师。中国病理生理学会理事、中国病理生理学会缺氧和呼吸专委会委员、中国生理学会呼吸生理专委会委员。主要从事钙信号与呼吸系疾病,特别是肺动脉高压、肺血管损伤的发病机制研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、青年-面上连续资助项目、面上项目、国优秀青年基金、杰出青年基金等项目。研究论文以第一/共同第一、通讯/共同通讯发表于Circulation, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Hypertension, J Am Heart Assoc, J Cell Sci, Biochim Biophys Acta-Mol Cell Res, Am J Physiology Lung Cell and Molecular Physiology等国际专业期刊。
Xiao R#, Liu J#, Shi L#, Zhang T, Liu J, Qiu S, Ruiz M, Dupuis J,Zhu L*, Wang L*, Wang Z*, Hu Q*. Au-modified ceria nanozyme prevents and treats hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension with greatly improved enzymatic activity and safety.J Nanobiotechnol. 2024;22(1):492.
Su Y#, Tan R#, Sun M#, Yuan L, Ruiz M, Dupuis J, Hu Q,Zhu L*. MiR-1249 on Endothelial Extracellular Vesicles Mediates Cigarette Smoke-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension by Inhibiting HDAC10 (Histone Deacetylase 10)-NFκB (Nuclear Factor κB)-CaSR (Calcium-Sensing Receptor) Cascade.Hypertension. 2022;79(12):2721-2732.
Xiao R, Liu J, Luo S, Yu Z, Zhang J, Lv Y, Li J, Ruiz M, Dupuis J,Hu Q*,Zhu L*. Orally-administrated mitochondria attenuate pulmonary hypertension with the aid of erythrocytes as carriers.Clin Transl Med. 2022;12(9):e1033.
Liu B#, Wei YP#, Fan X#, Hu X, Chen Z, Liu X, Xu Y, Wang L, Wang T, Ruiz M, Dupuis J, Yuan P, Liu J, Huang S,Zhu L*, Jing ZC*, Hu Q*. Calcium sensing receptor variants increase pulmonary hypertension susceptibility.Hypertension. 2022;79(7):1348-1360.
Xiao R, Luo S, Zhang T, Lv Y, Wang T, Zhang J, Su Y, Ruiz M, Dupuis J,Zhu L*,Hu Q*. Peptideblocking self-polymerization of extracellular calcium-sensing receptor attenuates hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.Hypertension. 2021;78(5):1605-1616.
Zhu L, Liu F, Hao Q, Feng T, Chen Z, Luo S, Xiao R, Sun M, Zhang T, Fan X, Zeng X, He J, Yuan P, Liu J, Ruiz M, Dupuis J,Hu Q*. Dietary geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate counteracts the benefits of statin therapy in experimental pulmonary hypertension.Circulation. 2021;143(18):1775-1792.
Xiao R,Zhu L*, Su Y, Zhang J, Lu Y, Li J, Wang T, Fang J, Jing ZC, Dupuis J, Luo S,Hu Q*. Monocrotaline pyrrole induces pulmonary endothelial damage through binding to and release from erythrocytes in lung during venous blood reoxygenation.Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019;316(5):L798-L809.
Zhu L#, Xiao R#, Zhang X, Lang Y, Liu F, Yu Z, Zhang J, Su Y, Lu Y, Wang T, Luo S, Wang J, Liu ML, Dupuis J, Jing ZC, Li T, Xiong W,Hu Q*. Spermine on endothelial extracellular vesicles mediates smoking-induced pulmonary hypertension partially through calcium-sensing receptor.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2019, 39(3):482-495.