李 和 1962年6月生,博士。华中科技大学同济医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学系主任、教授(二级)、博士生导师,基础医学院院长,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者;1984年、1987年和1991年在同济医科大学分别获医学学士、医学硕士和医学博士学位;1995~1997及1998~2001年分别在日本京都大学医学部和美国emory大学医学院做博士后。历任同济医科大学组织胚胎学教研室助教、讲师、副教授、教授,华中科技大学校内特聘教授。现任国际组织化学与细胞化学协会理事、中国解剖学会副理事长、全国组织胚胎学专业委员会主任、中国神经科学会常务理事、湖北省解剖学会理事长、湖北省细胞生物学学会副理事长、《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》常务副主编、《neuroscience bulletin》常务编委、《解剖学报》、《解剖学杂志》等杂志编委、《cell and tissue res》等杂志审稿人。
1.ye cf, li h. hsp40 ameliorates impairment of insulin secretion by inhibiting huntingtin aggregation in a hd pancreatic cells model. biosci. biotechnol. biochem (in press).
2.zhou l, wang x, wang yj, zhou y, hu s, ye l, hou w, li h, ho wz (2009). activation of toll-like receptor-3 induces interferon-lambda expression in human neuronal cells. neuroscience. 159(2): 629-663
3.ye l, wang x, wang s, wang y, song l, hou w, zhou l, li h, ho w (2009). cd56+ t cells inhibit hepatitis c virus replication in human hepatocytes. hepatology. 49(3): 753-762
4.ye cf, zhang yn, wang wx, wang jz, li h (2008). inhibition of neurite outgrowth and promotion of cell death by cytoplasmic soluble mutant huntingtin stably transfected in mouse neuroblastoma cells. neurosci lett. 442(1): 63-68
5.li x, li h, li xj (2008). intracellular degradation of misfolded proteins in polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases. brain res rev. 59(1): 245-252
6.orr al, li sh, wang ce, li h, wang jj, rong j, xu xh, mastroberardino pg, greenamyre jt, li xj (2008). n-terminal mutant huntingtin associates with mitochondria and impairs mitochondria trafficking. j neurosci. 28(11): 2783-2792
7.lu sj, li h, zhou fh, zhang jj, wang lx (2007). connexin 36 is expressed and associated with zonula occludens-1 protein in pc-12 cells. gen physiol biophys. 26(1): 33-39
8.benn cl, landles c, li h, strand ad, woodman b, sathasivam k, li sh, ghazi-noori s, hockly e, faruque sm, cha jh, sharpe pt, olson jm, li xj, bates gp (2005). contribution of nuclear and extranuclear polyq to neurological phenotypes in mouse models of huntington's disease. hum mol genet. ;14(20): 3065-3078
9.liao m, shen j, zhang y, li sh, li xj, li h (2005). immunohistochemical localization of huntingtin-associated protein 1 in endocrine system of the rat. j histochem cytochem. 53(12):1517-1524
10.li h, wyman t, yu zx, li sh, li xj (2003). abnormal association of mutant huntingtin with synaptic vesicles inhibits glutamate release, hum mol genet. 12(16): 2021-2030
11.menalled lb, sison jd, wu y, olivieri m, li xj, li h, zeitlin s, chesselet mf (2002). early motor dysfunction and striosomal distribution of huntingtin microaggregates in huntington's disease knock-in mice. j neurosci. 22(18):8266-8279
12.li s-h, cheng al, lam s, rao m, li h, li xj (2002). interaction of huntington disease protein with transcriptional activator sp1. mol cell biol. 22(5): 1277-1287
13.li h, li sh, yu zx, shelbourne p, li xj (2001). huntingtin aggregate-associated axonal degeneration is an early pathological event in huntington’s disease mice, j neurosci. 21(21): 8473-8481
14.li h, li sh, johnston h, shelbourne pf, li xj (2000). amino-terminal fragments of mutant huntingtin show selective accumulation in striatal neurons and synaptic toxicity. nature genet. 25(4): 385-389
15. li s-h, li h, torre er, li xj (2000). expression of huntingtin associated protein-1 in neuronal cells implicates a role inneurite outgrowth. mol cell neurosci. 16(2): 168-183
16.li h, li sh, cheng al, mangiarini l, bates gp, li xj (1999). ultrastructural localization and progressive formation of neuropil aggregates in huntington’s disease transgenic mice. hum mol genet.8(7): 1227-1236,1999
17.li sh, cheng al,li h, li xj (1999). cellular defects and altered gene expression in pc12 cells stably expressing mutant huntingtin. j neurosci 19(13): 5159-5172
18.li h, nomura s, mizuno n (1997). binding of the isolectin i-b4 from griffonia simplicifolia to the general visceral afferents in the vagus nerve: a light- and electron-microscope study in the rat. neurosci lett 222(1):53-56
19.li h,mizuno, n (1997). direct projections from nucleus x to the external cortex of the inferior colliculus in the rat. brain res 774 (1-2): 200-206
20.li h,mizuno, n (1997). single neurons in the spinal trigeminal and dorsal column nuclei project to both the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus by way of axon collaterals: a fluorescent retrograde double-labeling study in the rat. neurosci res 29: (2) 135-142
21.li h,mizuno, n (1997). collateral projections from single neurons in the dorsal column nuclei to the inferior colliculus and the ventrobasal thalamus: a retrograde double-labeling study in the rat. neurosci lett 225: (1) 21-24
22.li h, mizuno, n (1997). collateral projections from single neurons in the dorsal column nucleus to both the cochlear nucleus and the ventrobasal thalamus: a retrograde double-labeling study in the rat. neurosci lett 222(1): 87-90
23.li h, ohishi h, kinoshita a, shigemoto r, nomura s, mizuno n (1997). localization of a metabotropic glutamate receptor, mglur7, in axon terminals of presumed nociceptive, primary afferent fibers in the superficial layers of the spinal dorsal horn: an electron microscope study in the rat. neurosci lett 223(3): 153-156
1.李和、徐晨主编,金连弘、 周莉、谢小薰、张雷副主编: a color textbook of histology and embryology,来华留学生规划教材,高等教育出版社
5.高英茂主编,周国民、徐晨、宋天保、李和副主编: 组织学与胚胎学(英文版),卫生部“十一五”规划教材,人民卫生出版社
6.石玉秀主编,李和等、周国民、、周德山副主编: 组织学与胚胎学,高等教育出版社
8.高英茂主编,李和、曾园山副主编: 组织学与胚胎学(英文版),中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材,科学出版社
1.蛋白酶体/分子伴侣活性与错叠蛋白累积的关系及在多聚谷氨酰胺神 经退行性疾病中的作用,国家自然科学基金重点项目资助,2005-2009,主持
10.c 纤维与脊髓后角中间神经元间的功能形态学关系,国家自然科学基金资助,1994-1996,主持
11.effect of mutant huntingtin on synaptic vesicles,hereditary disease foundation(usa),2000-2001,主持