
“今年是华中科技大学70周年校庆,同济医学院115周年院庆,祝母校生日快乐!”在众多送祝福的校友中,何山(Hasan Abdullah Mohammed Mohsen Almansoub)显得尤为特别。作为基础医学院2016级优秀博士研究生,何山毕业后选择回到自己的祖国发光发热。目前他就职于也门萨巴大学医学院,担任病理学、病理生理学助教,基础医学系系主任。



I am Hasan Abdullah Mohammed Mohsen Almansoub, from Yemen. I am now an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Pathophysiology and Head of Departments of Basic medicine in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Saba Region, in my country. I got my P.H.D from School of Basic Medicine, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).
I am lucky enough that I got the scholarship and visited China. I could still remember the first time I landed in China and felt strange even though happy. As we are celebrating HUST 70th anniversary, I’d like to send my sincere appreciation to my school, because HUST made me strong. I got comfortable from the very first day in HUST. I learned the Chinese language at HUST main campus. It was always fun speaking the broken language with Chinese friends.
For my academics and research, in September 2016 I got a scholarship to study Doctoral degree in the school of basic medicine,it's my favorite school. The researches technologies and equipment are easy to access in the labs for students.
In school of basic medicine, I learned how to be busy all the time and do everything immediately. My teachers and my lab mates taught me everything about research, and step by step I become a good researcher in our group with professor Ling-Qiang Zhu(朱铃强).
I learned how to write papers and have published some articles with my professor and colleagues about neurodegenerative diseases.
I was awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship to complete my doctoral study, due to my distinction in the study. Also, I was a recipient of the Academic Excellence Award and Outstanding Student Cadre in 2017 - 2018, and Outstanding Graduates in 2020 of HUST. China is a complete package for anyone who wants to experience standard education, work, travel, shopping, etc. Chinese people are good people, and I am grateful and lucky enough that I chose China for higher studies. I would always take every opportunity to visit China again with my family.