Fang J, Lei J, He B, Wu Y, Chen P, Sun Z, Wu N,Huang Y,Wei P, Yin L*, Chen Y*.Decoding the transcriptional heterogeneity, differentiation lineage, clinical significance in tissue-resident memory CD8 T cell of the small intestine by single-cell analysis.J Transl Med. 2024 Feb 25;22(1):203. doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-04978-2.(共同作者)
2.Mei X, Xiong J, Liu J, Huang A, Zhu D*,Huang Y*, Wang H*.DHCR7 promotes lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer through cholesterol reprogramming-mediated activation of the KANK4/PI3K/AKT axis and VEGF-C secretion.Cancer Lett. 2024 Mar 1;584:216609. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2024.216609. Epub 2024 Jan 9.(通讯作者)
3.Liu L, Wu M, Huang A, Gao C, Yang Y, Liu H, Jiang H, Yu L,Huang Y*, Wang H*.Establishment of a high-fidelity patient-derived xenograft model for cervical cancer enables the evaluation of patient's response to conventional and novel therapies.J Transl Med.2023 Sep 9;21(1):611. doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04444-5.(通讯作者)
4.Li X, Ren C, Huang A, Zhao Y, Wang L, Shen H, Gao C, Chen B, Zhu T, Xiong J, Zhu D,Huang Y, Ding J, Yuan Z, Ding W*, Wang H*.PIBF1 regulates multiple gene expression via impeding long-range chromatin interaction to drive the malignant transformation of HPV16 integration epithelial cells.J Adv Res. 2024 Mar;57:163-180. doi: 10.1016/j.jare.2023.04.015. Epub 2023 May 13.(共同作者)
5.Zha Y, Liu H, Lin X, Yu L, Gao P, Li Y, Wu M, Gong X, Bian X, Kang Q, Zhi P, Dang X, Wang J, Feng L, Qiao F,Huang Y*, Zeng W*.Immune Deviation in the Decidua During Term and Preterm Labor.Front Immunol.2022 Jun 10;13:877314. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.877314. eCollection 2022.(通讯作者)
6.Liu H, Xu R, Gao C, Zhu T, Liu L, Yang Y, Zeng H,Huang Y#and Wang H#. Metabolic Molecule PLA2G2D is a Potential Prognostic Biomarker Correlating with Immune Cell Infiltration and the Expression of Immune Checkpoint Genes in Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Front Oncol. Oct 18;11:755668. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.755668.(通讯作者)
7.Gao L, Wu M, Liu H, He M, Jiang H, Shang R, Wang Q, Song Z,Huang Y#, Han J#. Neonatal LPS Administered Before Sensitization Reduced the Number of Inflammatory Monocytes and Abrogated the Development of OVA-Induced Th2 Allergic Airway Inflammation.Front Immunol. 2021 Sep 22;12:725906. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.725906.(通讯作者)
8.Qiu L, Zhang J,Huang Y, Chen G, Chen Z, Ming C, Lu X, Gong N. Long-Term Clinical and Immunological Impact of Severe COVID-19 on a Living Kidney Transplant Recipient - A Case Report.Front Immunol.2021 Sep 8;12:741765. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.741765.(共同作者)
9.Liu Y, Liu B, Wu Y, Zhang Y, San D, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Yu L, Zeng H, Zhou Y, Yang H, Yin L#,Huang Y#. Biomarkers and Immune Repertoire Metrics Identified by Peripheral Blood Transcriptomic Sequencing Reveal the Pathogenesis of COVID-19.Front Immunol. Accepted 2021 Aug 24; 12:677025. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.677025.(通讯作者)
10.Yu L,Zhang Y,Xiong J,Liu J,Zha Y,Kang Q,Zhi P,Wang Q,Wang H,Zeng W#,Huang Y#. Activated γδ T cells with higher CD107a expression and inflammatory potential during early pregnancy in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion.Front Immunol. 2021 Aug 17;12:724662. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.724662. eCollection 2021.(通讯作者)
11.Jiang H*, Li Z*#, Yu L, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Wu J, Yuan J, Han M, Xu T, He J, Wang S, Yu C, Pan S, Wu M, Liu H, Zeng H, Song Z, Wang Q, Qu S, Zhang J,Huang Y#, Han J#. Immune Phenotyping of Patients With Acute Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome Before and After Glucocorticoids Therapy.Front Immunol.2021 Apr 28;12:659150. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.659150. eCollection 2021.(共同通讯作者)
12.Zha Y, Chen G, Gong X, Wu YY, Lin XG, Wu JL,Huang YF, Li YQ, Zhang Y, Deng DR, Chen SH, Qiao FY, Feng L, Zeng WJ, Li KZ, Liu HY. Coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnant and non-pregnant women: a retrospective study.Chin Med J (Engl). 2021 Feb 25;134(10):1218-1220. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000001396.(共同作者)
13.Yang G, Tan Z, Zhou L, Yang M, Peng L, Liu J, Cai J, Yang R, Han J,Huang Y#, He S#. Effects of Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors on Virus Infection, Inflammatory Status, and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 and Hypertension: A Single-Center Retrospective Study.Hypertension. 2020 Jul;76(1):51-58.doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15143.(通讯作者;编委点评并被评为杂志2020年度最佳论文;入选ESI高被引论文)
14.Liu B, Han J, Cheng X, Yu L, Zhang L, Wang W, Ni L, Wei C,Huang Y#, Cheng Z#. Reduced numbers of T cells and B cells correlates with persistent SARS-CoV-2 presence in non-severe COVID-19 patients.Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 19;10(1):17718. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73955-8.(通讯作者)
15.Qiu L, Jiao R, Zhang A, Chen X, Ning Q, Fang F, Zeng F, Tian N, Zhang Y,Huang Y, Sun Z, Dhuromsingh M, Li H, Li Y, Xu R, Chen Y, Luo X. A Case of Critically Ill Infant of Coronavirus Disease 2019 With Persistent Reduction of T Lymphocytes.Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Jul;39(7):e87-e90. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002720.(共同作者)
16.Wu M, Gao L, He M, Liu H, Jiang H, Shi K, Shang R, Liu B, Gao S, Chen H, Gong F, Gelfand EW,Huang Y, Han J. Plasmacytoid dendritic cell deficiency in neonates enhances allergic airway inflammation via reduced production of IFN-α.Cell Mol Immunol. 2020 May;17(5):519-532. doi: 10.1038/s41423-019-0333-y. Epub 2019 Dec 18.(共同作者)
17.Phalke SP,Huang Y,Rubtsova K, Getahun A, Sun D, Reinhardt RL, O'Brien RL, Born WK. γδ T cells shape memory-phenotype αβ T cell populations in non-immunized mice.PLoS One. 2019 Jun 25;14(6):e0218827.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218827.(共同作者)
18.Born WK,Huang Y,Reinhardt RL, Huang H, Sun D, O'Brien RL. γδT cellsand B cells.Adv Immunol.2017, 134:1-45. doi: 10.1016/受邀综述,共同作者)
19.Born WK,Huang Y,Zeng W,O'Brien RL. A Special Connection Between γδT cellsand NaturalAntibodies?Arch ImmunolTher Exp. 2016:Dec;64(6):455-462. doi: 10.1007/s00005-016-0403-0.(受邀综述,共同作者)
20.Huang Y, Heiser RA, Detanico T, Getahun A, Kirchenbaum A, Casper TL, Carding SR, Ikuta K, Huang H, Cambier JC, Wysocki LJ, O'Brien RL, Born WK. γδ T Cells Shape PreImmune Peripheral B Cell Populations.J Immunol. 2016,196(1):217-31. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501064.(第一作者)
21.Huang Y,Yang Z,Huang C, O'Brien RL, Born WK. γδTCell–Dependent Regulatory T Cells Prevent the Development of Autoimmune Keratitis.JImmunol.2015,195: 5572-5581.(第一作者)
23.HuangY,HeiserRA,DetanicoT,GetahunA,KirchenbaumA,CasperTL,AydintugMK,CardingSR, IkutaK,HuangH,CambierJC,WysockiLJ,O'BrienRL,BornWK.γδTCellsAffectIL-4ProductionandBcellTolerance.ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofScience.2015,112(1):E39-48.(第一作者)
24.HuangY,AydintugMK,HuangH,O'BrienRL,BornWK.Antigen-specificregulationof IgEantibodiesbynon-antigen-specificγδTcells.JImmunol.2013,190(3):913-21.(第一作者)
25.Roark CL,Huang Y,Jin N, Aydintug MK, Casper T, Sun D, Born WK, O'Brien RL. A canonical Vγ4Vδ4+γδ T cell population with distinct stimulation requirements which promotes the Th17 response.Immunol Res. 2013, 55(1-3):217-230.(共同作者)
26.O'Brien RL, Chain JL, Aydintug MK, Bohrer-Kunter D,Huang Y, Hardy IR, Cambier JC, Lahmers K, Nuhsbaum T, Davidson R, Sun D, Born WK. αβ TCR⁺T cells, but not B cells, promote autoimmune keratitis in B10 mice lacking γδ T cells.Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2012, 53(1):301-8.(共同作者)
27.Born WK, Zhang L, Nakayama M, Jin N, Chain JL,Huang Y, Aydintug MK, O'Brien RL. Peptide Antigens for γδ T-cells.Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011, 68(14):2335-43. Review.(共同作者)
28.O’Brien RL, Jin N,Huang Y, Aydintug MK, Roark CL, and Born, WK. Characteristics of IL-17-producing γδ T cells.Immunity.2010, 32(1):1. Letter to the Editor.(共同作者; letter to editor)
29.Born W,Huang Y, Jin N, HuangH, and O’Brien RL. Balanced Approach of Gamma delta T-cells to Type 2 Immunity.Immunology and Cell Biology. 2010, 88(3):269-74.(共同作者)
30.Huang Y, Jin N, Roark CL, Aydintug MK, Wands JM, Huang H, O'Brien RL, Born WK. The Influence of IgE-Enhancing and IgE-Suppressive Gammadelta T-cells Changes withExposure to Inhaled Ovalbumin.J Immunol. 2009, 183:849-855.(第一作者;作为该期杂志重点推介)
31.Jin N, Roark CL, Miyahara N, Taube C, Aydintug MK, Wands JM,Huang Y,Hahn YS, Gelfand EW, O'Brien RL, Born WK. Allergic Airway Hyperresponsiveness-Enhancing Gammadelta T-cells Develop in Normal Untreated Mice and Fail to Produce IL-4/13,Unlike Th2 and NKT Cells.J Immunol. 2009, 182(4):2002-10.(共同作者)
32.Cheng L, Cui Y, Shao H, Han G, Zhu L,Huang Y, O'Brien RL, Born WK, Kaplan HJ, Sun D. Mouse Gammadelta T-cells are Capable of Expressing MHC Class II Molecules,and of Functioning as Antigen-Presenting Cells.J Neuroimmunol. 2008, 203(1):3-11.(共同作者)
33.Han J, Zhong J, Wei W, Wang Y,Huang Y, Yang P, Purohit S, Dong Z, Wang MH, She JX, Gong F, Stern DM, Wang CY. Extracellular High-Mobility Group Box 1 acts as an Innate Immune Mediator to Enhance Autoimmune Progression and Diabetes Onset inNOD Mice.Diabetes. 2008, 57(8):2118-27.(共同作者)
34.Huang Y, Yin H, Han J, Huang B, Xu J, Zheng F, Tan Z, Fang M, Rui L, Chen D, Wang S, Zheng X, Wang CY, Gong F. Extracellular hmgb1 Functions as an InnateImmune-Mediator Implicated in Murine Cardiac Allograft Acute Rejection.Am J Transplant. 2007, 7(4):799-808.(第一作者)
35.Huang BJ, Yin H,Huang YF, Xu JF, Xiong P, Feng W, Zheng F, Xu Y, Fang M, Gong FL. Gene Therapy Using Adenoviral Vector Encoding 4-1BBIg Gene Significantly ProlongedMurine Cardiac Allograft Survival.Transpl Immunol. 2006, 16(2):88-94.(共同作者)
36.Yin H, Huang BJ, Yang H,Huang YF, Xiong P, Zheng F, Chen XP, Chen YF, Gong FL. Pretreatment With Soluble ST2 Reduces Warm Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006, 29;351(4):940-6.(共同作者)
37.Zhang Z, Jia L, Hou L, Xiong P, Wu X, Wang X,Huang Y, Ke H, Chang C, Cui S, GongF. Analysis of TAP1 and TAP2 Polymorphism of Mother-Infant in Chinese Patients with Pre-Eclampsia.Cell Mol Immunol.2005, 2(2):141-4.(共同作者)
38.Huang YF, Wang W, Han JY, Wu XW, Zhang ST, Liu CJ, Hu QG, Xiong P, Hamvas RM, Wood N, Gong FL, Bittles AH. Increased Frequency of the Mannose-Binding Lectin LX Haplotype in Chinese Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients.IntJ Immunogenet. 2003,30:121-124.(第一作者)