鲁友明,教授/博士研究生导师。华中科技大学同济医学院副院长、华中科技大学脑研究所所长,美国路易斯安那州立大学医学院终身bollinger特聘教授。长期致力于研究谷氨酸受体、离子通道在突触的生理功能和病理过程如缺血缺氧性脑病、神经退行性疾病中的作用和机制。在国际上首次发现酪氨酸蛋白激酶src通过调节谷氨酸nmda受体参与ltp的形成,系列研究成果发表于cell,science,nature neurosci,neuron,j neurosci等期刊。获多项美国和加拿大国家科研基金资助,是nature neurosci, neuron,j neurosci等期刊的审稿人,molecular neurobiology杂志的编委,美国nih,加拿大cihr等基金评审委员。2011年全职回国工作。
1.jin h, pei l, shu x, yang x, yan t, wu y, wei n, yan h, wang s, yao c, liu d, tian q, wang l,lu y. therapeutic intervention of learning and memory decays by salidroside stimulation of neurogenesis in aging.mol neurobiol.2016; 53(2):851-66.
2.pei l, shang y, jin h, wang s, wei n, yan h, wu y, yao c, wang x, zhu lq,lu y. dapk1-p53 interaction converges necrotic and apoptotic pathways of ischemic neuronal death.j neurosci.2014; 34(19):6546-56
3.wang x, pei l, yan h, wang z, wei n, wang s, yang x, tian q,lu y. intervention of death-associated protein kinase 1-p53 interaction exerts the therapeutic effects against stroke.stroke.2014; 45(10):3089-91.
4.zhao k, wen r, wang x, pei l, yang y, shang y, bazan n, zhu lq, tian q, lu y. epac inhibition of sur1 receptor increases glutamate release and seizure vulnerability.j neurosci.2013; 33(20):8861-5.
5.yang y, shu x, liu d, shang y, wu y, pei l, xu x, tian q, zhang j, qian k, wang yx, petralia rs, tu w, zhu lq, wang jz,lu y.epac null mutation impairs learning and social interactions via aberrant regulation of mir-124 and zif268 translation.neuron. 2012;73(4):774-88
6.tu w, xu x, peng l, zhong x, zhang w, soundarapandian mm, balel c, wang m, jia n, zhang w, lew f, chan sl, chen y,lu y. dapk1 interaction with nmda receptor nr2b subunits mediates brain damage in stroke.cell. 2010 ;140(2):222-34
7.kim d, frank cl, dobbin mm, tsunemoto rk, tu w, peng pl, guan js, lee bh, moy ly, giusti p, broodie n, mazitschek r, delalle i, haggarty sj, neve rl,lu y, tsai lh. deregulation of hdac1 by p25/cdk5 inneurotoxicity.neuron. 2008; 60(5): 803-17
8.peng pl, zhong x, tu w, soundarapandian mm, molner p, zhu d, lau l, liu s, liu f,lu y.adar2-dependent rna editing of ampa receptor subunit glur2 determines vulnerability of neurons in forebrain ischemia.neuron. 2006;49(5):719-33
9.liu s, lau l, wei j, zhu d, zou s, sun hs, fu y, liu f,lu y. expression of ca2+-permeable ampa receptor channels primes cell death in transient forebrain ischemia.neuron. 2004;43(1):43-55
10.zhu dy,lau l,liu sh,wei js,lu ym. activation of creb after focal cerebral ischemia stimulates neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus.proc natl acad sci usa.2004; 101(25):9453-7
11.wang j, liu s, fu y, wang jh,lu y. cdk5 activation induces ca1 pyramidal cell death by direct phosphorylating nmda receptors.nat neurosci. 2003;6(10):1039-47
12.zhu dy, liu sh, sun hs,lu ym. expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase after focal cerebral ischemia stimulates neurogenesis in the adult animal dentate gyrus.j neurosci. 2003;23(1):223-9
13.liu s, wang j, zhu d, fu y, lukowiak k,lu ym. generation of functional inhibitory neurons in the adult hippocampus.j neurosci. 2003;23(3):732-6.
14.wang j, liu s, haditsch u, tu w, cochrane k, ahmadian g, tran l, paw j, wang y, mansuy i, salter mm,lu ym. interaction of calcineurin and gabaa receptor- γ2 subunit produces long-term depression at ca1 inhibitory synapses.j neurosci. 2003; 23(3): 826-36
15.lu ym, mansuy im, kandel er, roder j. calcineurin-mediated ltd of gabaergic inhibition underlies the increased excitability of ca1 neurons associated with ltp.neuron. 2000; 26(1): 197-205
16.lu ym, roder jc, davidow j, salter mw. src activation in the induction of long-term potentiation in ca1 hippocampal neurons.science. 1998;279(5355):1363-7.
1.adar2-dependent rna editing of ampa receptor subunit glur2 inischemia. r01ns051383. 2006.3-2012.2,138万美元,由美国国立卫生研究院资助,负责人。
2. dapk1 regulation of nmda receptor in ischemia neuronal death. r01ag033282. 2008.8-2013.7,126万美元,由美国国立卫生研究院资助,负责人。
3. dapk1-nmda受体结合在缺血损伤和组织结构与功能修复中的双重作用和机理。国家自然科学基金重点项目(81130079),2012.1-2016.12,270万人民币,负责人。
3)2000年9月-2005年8月,alberta heritage医学研究基金“学者奖”;
6)1997年10月,多伦多大学“joe.a connelly纪念奖”;