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作者: 时间:2023-10-30 点击量:

王婷,博士,毕业于华中科技大学同济医学院七年制临床医学系专业。现任华中科技大学同济医学院基础医学院病原生物学系副教授,主要研究方向为病原与宿主互作。近年来先后主持国家自然科学基金,湖北省卫生厅及校创新基金9项,发表SCI论文13篇。先后担任《Frontier in Immunology》,《Frontiers in Medicine》,《Journal of Leukocyte Biology》,《Scientific Reports》以及《Experimental Parasitology》SCI期刊审稿人。参编病原生物学教材及专著10部。现任中国动物学会寄生虫学专业委员会常务理事,湖北省预防医学会寄生虫学专业委员会常委兼秘书。曾多次获得国家级及校级教学奖励,包括全国高校(医学类)微课教学比赛一等奖,华中科技大学青年教师讲课比赛一等奖等。2023年指导本科生参加全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛获国赛金奖和最佳团队合作奖,2023年指导本科生参加第十八届“挑战杯”获省赛特等奖、国赛一等奖。作为核心成员参与建设《人体寄生虫学》国家级精品课程、2012年国家级精品资源共享课、2018年国家级精品在线开放课程(MOOC)以及2020年国家级线上一流课程(金课)、2020年国家级线上线下混合式一流课程(金课)。


  1. 病原与宿主互作:病原感染与宿主防御;病原与宿主互作的应用与转化。

  2. 干细胞调控组织修复和再生:以涡虫为模式生物,应用生化、遗传、药理和生物信息学等手段,开展组织、器官再生和修复的细胞和分子机理研究。



  1. Haoming Huang#, Dian Hu#, Zhuo Chen#, Jiarong Xu, Rengui Xu, Yusheng Gong, Zhengming Fang,Ting Wang*& Wei Chen*Immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus by adjuvant-freeSchistosoma japonicum-egg tip-loaded asymmetric microneedle patch (STAMP),Journal of Nanobiotechnologyvolume 20, Article number: 377 (2022) IF:10.435/Q1

  2. Ziqin Deng#, Junsheng Chen#,Ting Wang*,Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis of Human Coronaviruses: Prospects and Implications for COVID-19 Research,Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology10:581404. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.581404 (September 23,2020)

  3. Ziqin Deng#, Hongwei Wang#, Zhiye Chen,Ting Wang*, Bibliometric Analysis of Dendritic Epidermal T Cell (DETC) Research from 1983 to 2019,Frontiers in Immunology11:259. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00259Frontiers in Immunology(March 12, 2020)

  4. Zhenzhen Tong, Zhengming Fang, Qi Zhang, Yun Zhan, Yue Zhang, Wangfang Jiang, Xiao Hou, Yonglong Li,Ting Wang*Plasmodium yoeliiinfection inhibited murine leukemia WEHI-3 cell proliferation in vivo by promoting immune responses,Infectious Diseases of Poverty,(2018) 7:48.

  5. 杨杰熙,唐悠远,方正明,童贞珍,李雍龙,王婷*.武汉市美洲大蠊体内蠊缨滴虫感染情况调查,中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,2014, 32(2),81-82.

  6. Wang Ting, Li Yong-Long,An emerging parasitic disease caused by lophomonas blattarum in China,寄生虫与医学昆虫学报2012,19(4), 256-260.

  7. Ting Wang, Zheng-ming Fang, Jia-Hui Lei, Fei Guan, Wen-Qi Liu, Ann Bartlett, Phil Whitfield and Yong-Long Li*,Delayed tail loss during the invasion of mouse skin by cercariae ofSchistosoma japonicumParasitology(2012), 139, 244–247.

  8. Lin Chen, Wen-qi Liu, Jia-hui Lei, Fei Gua, Man-jun Li, Yong-long Li , Wen-jian Song,Ting Wang*ChronicSchistosoma japonicuminfection reduces immune response to vaccine against Hepatitis B,PLoS One2012, 7(12): e51512.

  9. Ge Nie,Ting Wang, Shengjun Lu, Wenqi Liu, Yonglong Li, Jiahui Lei* Detection of Clonorchis sinensis circulating antigen in sera from Chinese patients by immunomagnetic bead ELISA based on IgY,PLoS One2014, 9(12):e113208

  10. Lei JH, Guan F, Xu H, Chen L, Su BT, Zhou Y,Wang T, Li YL, Liu WQ*. Application of an immunomagnetic bead ELISA based on IgY for detection of circulating antigen in urine of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum,Vet Parasitol. 2012;187(1-2):196-202.

  11. Man-jun Li, Jia-hui Lei,Ting Wang, Sheng-jun Lu, Fei Guan, Wen-qi Liu, Yong-long Li. Cimetidine enhances the protective effect of GST DNA vaccine againstSchistosoma japonicumvia down-regulation the regulatory T cells,Experimental Parasitology2011 Aug;128(4):427-32.

  12. Cheng Yu-li, Song Wen-jian, Kong Zheng,Wang Ting, Liu Wen-qi, Lei Jia-hui, Li Yong-long. Effects of signal transducers and activators of transcription 4 and 6 on development of worms and granuloma formation in mice infected withSchistosoma japonicum, Chin J Schisto Control2011,23(1):61-64

  13. Chun-lian Tang, Jia-hui Lei,Ting Wang, Sheng-jun Lu, Fei Guan, Wen-qi Liu, Yong-long Li. Effect of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells on the immune evasion ofSchistosoma japonicum, Parasitol Research,2011, 108:477–480




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